B & G SafeFood Consulting is prepared to assist domestic and international clients incorporate measures that control food safety risks. The objective is to achieve and sustain the food safety systems that will meet international and domestic regulatory requirements and customer expectations.
Explore this website, we look forward to answering your questions and establishing a partnership that will help achieve your safety goals.
B&G Safe Food Consulting, LLC, offers a range of food safety consultation and training services to diverse food and ingredient companies, as well as the food service sector, trade associations, regulatory agencies, and cacao post-harvest processors. Many challenges have resulted from changes occurring in the food industry and the regulatory environment. B&G is positioned to assist in meeting these challenges using scientifically based approaches that are practical, and proactive. Client-centered strategies will be used to address and sustain management of each client’s food safety systems.
Sterling S. Thompson, Ph.D., President
Over 35 years of experience working in the food industry, consulting with food service operations, teaching food safety courses/workshops, conducting research, managing food microbiology laboratories, and providing technical recommendations to cacao farmers on post-harvest practices provide the knowledge base to develop practical and collaborative solutions to domestic and international clients.
Services & Consultation
Microbiological Analysis and Interpretation
Determining the microbiological quality of ingredients, in processed products, or finished products will provide valuable information about the microbiological quality of ingredients purchased from suppliers to formulate products, the influence of manufacturing practices, and/or the influence the environment may have on the microbiological quality of finished products. With over twenty-five years of experience managing a microbiology laboratory for a major chocolate confectionery company, B&G is positioned to assist clients with the development of sampling plans, selection of the most appropriate microbiological testing scheme to use, and the determination of the significance of the test results obtained.
Environmental Microbiological Monitoring Program
Significant experience in developing and evaluating microbiological monitoring programs. Provide recommendations to enhance and expand existing programs, develop well designed new programs, recommend systems to effective manage programs, and establishment of corrective action steps.
Good Laboratory Practices (GLP)
Obtaining results that are valid and represent the true microbiological quality of the sample being tested is essential. Implementation, and maintenance of GLPs are required to ensure that test results are valid. Valid test results will ensure that ingredients that are purchased to formulate products, and finished products that are released meet the desired microbiological criteria of the company, and that neither the manufacturing environment or any other factors negatively impact the quality or safety of the finished products. Twenty- five years managing microbiology laboratories and 20 years auditing 3rd party laboratories have provided the experience and knowledge to ensure effective implementation and sustainability of GLPs. Participated on a Grocery Manufacturing Association (GMA) Working Group that developed and published guidelines designed to evaluate, select, and audit a company’s internal, and 3rd Party Laboratories. Laboratory management experiences have provided the expertise to design several microbiology laboratories in the U.S. and International locations.
Contamination/Incident Investigation
Experience working with manufacturers and suppliers troubleshooting contamination events, developing strategies to identify sources of contamination, and controlling future occurrences. Have assisted manufacturers with recalls; guiding them through the steps to ensure meeting the regulatory and company objectives to ensure consumer safety. Over thirty- five plus years of experience have helped develop a knowledge base that is focused on using practical approaches that will assist clients in meeting their needs.
Facility Assessments
Have visited several U.S. and International finished product manufacturing and ingredient supplier production facilities. These experiences illustrated the influence of factors, such as the production environment, equipment maintenance and operation, equipment cleaning practices, employee practices, and facility design can have on production of finished products. Observations identified potential areas that could be associated with levels of risk. These visits led to actions to resolve on-going and sporadic contamination occurrences, the establishment of environmental sampling programs, and enhanced cleaning programs.
Quality Assurance Program
Working with many food production operations has provided the background to evaluate and assist clients with the development of well-designed QA programs. Recommendations are given on Good Manufacturing Practices(GMPs), food safety culture, and microbiological monitoring.
Ingredient and Finished Product Specifications
Have used established microbiological criteria and other factors to develop and recommend microbiological specifications for ingredients and finished products.
Sampling and Testing Programs
Have experience in developing sampling and testing plans for finished products, ingredients, and in processed samples associated with contamination and non-contamination events.
Worked with a third-party organization to develop a 2.5-day HACCP training course for a former chocolate confectionery, and pasta company employer, which was initiated in 1994 and continued through 2013; over 1000 employees trained including suppliers’ and Contract Manufacturers’ employees. Conducted HACCP workshops for other U.S. and International food production companies, suppliers, and conducted two HACCP courses and a webinar sponsored by the National Confectionery Association(NCA). Experience with reviewing, approving, and developing HACCP Plans. For ten years served as a member of the National Advisory Committee and contributed to the writing of the 1992 edition of the Committee’s HACCP document developed for the food industry.
Ingredient Suppliers and Contract Manufacturers
Visits to several facilities included reviews of food safety programs, and providing recommendations to control the potential risks associated with certain ingredients and production of products by a third-party. Have assisted organizations with conducting investigations to determine the cause of contamination events as well as with the development and implementation of corrective actions to ensure controls are in place.
Supplier Approval Program
Have over twenty-two years of experience identifying, developing and revising requirements needed to successfully implement an extensive process to evaluate suppliers. Reviewed hundreds of documents which eventually led to the decision to accept or reject a potential supplier.
Sanitary Design of Equipment and Facility
Experience working with engineers in the design and selection of manufacturing equipment emphasizing the need for sanitary designed equipment. Worked with chemical companies to identify the appropriate cleaning chemicals and tools necessary to effectively clean and sanitize production equipment. Worked with engineers in the design of manufacturing facilities, particularly regarding separation of allergen and non-allergen areas. Well positioned to assist clients in the design of a plant’s layout and provide recommendations on existing plants to ensure preventive controls are in place to manage potential contamination.
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
Member of multiple, multidisciplinary teams with the objective to review existing programs to determine if they met or needed to be revised to meet FSMA requirements. Received the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) Certificate of Training conducted by the Grocery Manufacturing Association (GMA); now identified as a Qualified Individual.
Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP)
Positioned to assess GMPs, develop and implement, and provide corrective action suggestions to control risks.
International Experience
Extensive work experience with ingredient suppliers and manufacturers in Spain, Columbia, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Africa, and the Philippines. Onsite visits to audits, investigate contamination Events, and conduct food safety training.
Over the years have developed food safety information to present to various disciplines; manufacturing and non-manufacturing support staff in the food industry. Positioned to develop training materials based on the needs of the client.

B&G Safe Food Consulting, LLC
1385 Carriage House Road
Middletown, PA 17057
(717) 319-3682